Keep On Asking Questions

A lot of the time we get sideways looks or exasperated sighs when we ask questions. Honestly, how else are we going to learn? There's a fine line between asking out of pure curiosity and asking repeat questions because of a lack of confidence in your own skills. But squashing curiosity is the killer to... Continue Reading →

The best laid plans…

It's so easy to let life run away with you. But when you can stop, take a deep breath and realize that you're only human, things get easier. Trying to keep up with my Computer Tech job and teaching myself coding and Web design is a challenge in and of itself. So when the opportunity... Continue Reading →

The First Real Project

I mentioned a project I have been working on for my Free Code Camp course and I think, ignoring the petty nagging of my inner perfectionist, that it's finally good enough to submit. It probably was good enough a couple of days ago. So why haven't I submitted it quite yet?  This is where I... Continue Reading →

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